Frequently Asked Questions
- What is hypnosis?
- Can I be hypnotised?
- Is it dangerous?
- Can I be made to do things against my will?
- What does it feel like?
- How do I know I’ve been hypnotized?
This picture of the man at the bars is very funny to most people because they can see themselves doing this throughout much of their lives. The answer is right before their very eyes and yet they don’t see it because they are so pre-occupied with their emotions, fantasies, belief systems, etc.
What is hypnosis?
It is a natural, relaxed and focused state of attention characterized by:
Increased muscle relaxation
- Feelings of well – being
- Increased pain threshold
- Predominating alpha and theta brain waves
- Diminished ability to vocalize
- Flashback access of memories
- Literal, childlike understanding of ideas
- Ability to accept new ideas about yourself if emotionalized and not in conflict with your values
Simply put, it is either interactive imagery or applied meditation toward a specific goal.
Can I be hypnotized?
There are only three types of people who cannot be hypnotized:
- A person in a psychotic process
- A person with a low I.Q.
- A person who really does not want to be hypnotized
If you focus your attention, use your imagination, and desire to be hypnotized, you can enter into at least a light state of hypnosis anytime you wish. It becomes a question of how deep are you willing to go in the presence of another person. Practice will improve your ability to bring your awareness to your “supra-conscious” level without falling asleep.
Is it Dangerous?
Absolutely not. Hypnosis was approved by the Council of Mental Health of the American Medical Association in 1958 as a safe practice with no harmful side effects. To date, no one has been seriously hurt with hypnosis. We greatly underestimate the ability of the “supra-conscious” to protect itself.
Can I be made to do things against my will?
Absolutely not. You could never be made to do anything outside of your value system. The truth is: All hypnosis is self – hypnosis. You must agree to be hypnotized and participate fully in the process with your whole mind. You will only act on suggestions that serve you in some way and anything else your “supra-conscious” will just ignore.
What does it feel like?
It feels like in the morning when you hit the snooze button on your alarm, and you are aware of yourself lying in your bed with your eyes closed, not quite asleep, but not quite awake either.
The “supra-conscious” is the seat of creativity. That is why some writers or painters do their best work the first thing in the morning. Their “supra-conscious” is closer to the surface, especially after dreaming in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. REM often occurs in hypnosis.
How do I know I’ve been hypnotized?
Generally, you can feel it in your body in some way, either your limbs will feel heavy and like lead or light and tingly, almost numb. Sometimes a good indicator is the experiencing of light twitches in your body as your nervous system relaxes. Hypnosis is wave like, so there may be parts of the session you won’t remember consciously. Of course, the outcome of your efforts will depend on your belief in yourself and your abilities. Hypnosis can make your goal more compelling, thus setting the stage for change.